Monday, December 9, 2013

Exam Review is Here!

 I hope you enjoyed the first snow fall of the season!  I think there's more to come!
Exam and Exam Review time is here!   By tomorrow, all students should have their review sheets from each subject area. The exam schedule is below. Please contact your child's advisor if you have any questions.



Tuesday, November 26, 2013

It's Never Late to Post Halloween pictures!

  A lot of fun was had on Halloween.  I wish you all a relaxing and enjoyable Thanksgiving.  We have so much to be thankful for this season.  Safe travels.

Friday, November 1, 2013

BOO-GRAM Surprise

  In an effort to make the 5th grade feel welcome and celebrated in the Middle School, sixth graders delivered surprise Boo-grams to their mailboxes.  It included a poem (see below) and a message from a sixth grader.  The bags were filled with goodies - candy, erasers, pencils, and glow sticks.  It was wonderful to reach out and doing something for the fifth graders with no expectation of anything in return. We know they enjoyed our surprise and hope they felt special and welcome!

                                                  The air is cool, the season fall
Soon Halloween will come to all.
Ghosts and goblins, spooks galore...
Tricky witches at your door.
The spooks are after fun things to do…
In fact a spook brought this "Boo" to you!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Echo Hill Reflection

  Sixth graders wrote children's books to reflect on their time spent in Echo Hill to share with Lower School classes.  They collaborated in small groups on Google docs and then took ipads to the Lower School to read their stories.  Ms. Nessler's girls read their books this week to Mrs. Wood's 8th Agers, and the other advisories are reading to the 9th and 10th Agers.  What a wonderful connection and outreach to the Lower School - and a chance to excite those students about what is coming for them in the Middle School!   Great job, 6th Graders!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


The 6th grade advisories are working on a secret project!  SHHHHH!!!! We hope to surprise other students in the building with something special.  Stay tuned for more spooookkky details!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Finally - Skateland pics!

Sorry for the delay - we went straight from Skateland on Friday to Echo Hill on Monday, and we never had a chance to put up pictures from the fun had in Skateland!  Students were terrific and patient with each other as they learned to skate.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Home Again!

  I'm sure your sons and daughters are happy to be home, warm, and dry, and sleeping in their own beds!  I know I am!  I'm attaching more pictures - many thanks to Owen Rossi for many of these.  Enjoy your weekend!